


In early 1964, Capitol Records became the primary U.S. manufacturer of The Beatles major releases.  When Apple Records was formed by the Beatles in 1968, Capitol still maintained production and distribution control over the Beatles records.  When Apple was dissolved in 1975, the entire Beatles catalog, including solo releases, reverted back to Capitol. In the early 1990’s, all The Beatles/solo Capitol product was reissued on the Apple label. 

The Beatles, collectively and individually, have also appeared on several other labels over the years.  However, most of these releases failed to stay in production long enough to experience significant label design changes.  The relatively few that did, are thoroughly identified in their respective sections.   

The number of label changes for a particular release depends entirely on its original issue date.    




Click Label Label Style Record Company Dates Manufactured
To Decca Labels


Decca Labels Decca Records April 11, 1962


ATCO Labels

Atlantic Records June 1964 to July 1964


MGM Labels MGM Records January 1964 to March 1964


Swan Labels Swan Records September 1963 to May 1964


Vee Jay Labels Vee Jay Records May 1963 to March 1964


Oldies 45 Label Vee Jay Records August 1964


Tollie Labels Tollie Records March to April 1964


Orange / Yellow Swirl Labels

Capitol Records December 1963 to April  1969


Green Swirl Labels Capitol-Star Line Records October 1965 to April 1969


Target Labels Capitol Records April 1969 to March 1971


Apple Labels Apple Records August 1968 to December 1975


Orange Labels Capitol Records December 1975 to March 1978


Blue Starline Labels Capitol Records November 1981 to Spring 1986


Purple Labels ("MFG. by ..." in perimeter print)  Capitol Records March 1978 to July 1983


Black Labels (Rainbow) Capitol Records July 1983 to Summer 1988


Purple Labels ("Manufactured by ..." in perimeter print) Capitol Records Summer 1988 to May 1994


CEMA ("For Jukebox Only") Capitol Records May 1994 to January 1996


Apple Labels - Current or "New" Capitol Records February 1995 to March 1996

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